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18 January 2024

How is Hypnotherapy Done?

This is one of the most common questions I hear when people are interested in online hypnotherapy for anxiety, stress, confidence or something else. Here’s my step-by-step guide.

The stage hypnotists of the 70s and 80s who regularly appeared on TV have a lot to answer for. Even now, some people think that visiting a clinical hypnotherapist will be similar to being hypnotised onstage.

To be clear: it isn’t.

For this blog, I’m taking a slightly different approach to my normal style and giving you a full run-down of what happens when you visit a hypnotherapist.

Step 1: Consultation

The first step in hypnotherapy is a consultation with your therapist. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about hypnotherapy, ask questions, and discuss your goals for therapy. The therapist will also assess your suitability for hypnotherapy – and also ascertain whether or not the two of you are a good fit.

That’s because not every therapist and client will work well together.

During the consultation, the therapist will typically ask you about your medical history, any mental health concerns you have, and your expectations for therapy. They will also explain the different types of hypnotherapy they use and how the process works.

For my own part, I offer all new clients a free 20-minute consultation so that we can get things off to a good start. Or, indeed, for you to make an informed choice that hypnotherapy might not be for you.

Step 2: Questionnaire

Once you have decided to proceed with hypnotherapy, your therapist may give you a questionnaire to complete. This questionnaire will help the therapist to better understand your specific needs and goals for therapy.

The questionnaire may ask you questions about your symptoms, your thoughts and feelings about your problem, and your desired outcome from therapy. The therapist may also ask you about your past experiences with hypnotherapy or other forms of therapy.

I send all new clients a detailed questionnaire, and they report back to me that they typically find it very helpful. It helps them to organise their thoughts – and it helps me to discover what’s holding them back.

Step 3: Meeting the Therapist

The first hypnotherapy session typically begins with me reviewing your questionnaire and discussing your goals for therapy. The therapist will then guide you into a state of hypnosis.

To guide you into hypnosis, the therapist may use a variety of techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or counting. Once you are in a hypnotic state, the therapist will give you suggestions that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.

For example, if you are seeking hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking, the therapist may give you suggestions to help you reduce your cravings for cigarettes and increase your motivation to quit. Or, if you are seeking hypnotherapy to help you manage anxiety, the therapist may give you suggestions to help you relax and reduce your symptoms of anxiety.

I have a range of tools that I use, including Havening and EFT, all of which are designed to change your ‘go to’ cognitive responses to negative stimuli. In other words – they help you react to things that have been bothering you in a different way.

Step 4: After The Session

When you walk out of the door – or you turn off your camera if you have had an online hypnotherapy session – your therapist may have given you some tips to cope with your issues on an ongoing basis.

One of the most popular and helpful tools I use is a kind of invisible ‘dial’ that you can turn down at any time to reduce anxiety, quell the need to reach for a cigarette or calm yourself down in a stressful situation.

What to Expect During a Hypnotherapy Session

During a hypnotherapy session, you will be fully aware of your surroundings and in control of your own actions. You will not be asleep, and you will not lose consciousness.

While you are in a hypnotic state, you may experience a variety of sensations, such as feeling deeply relaxed, focused, or calm. You may also experience vivid imagery or feel as if you are floating.

After the hypnotherapy session, the therapist will bring you out of the hypnotic state. You will be fully alert and aware of your surroundings. Most people I treat find the experience very enjoyable and rewarding.

How Many Hypnotherapy Sessions Do I Need?

The number of hypnotherapy sessions you need will vary depending on your individual needs and goals. Some people may benefit from just a few sessions, while others may need more.

Your therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is right for you. They will also monitor your progress and adjust the plan as needed.

I have found that some people need just one session, though most need two. Less commonly, people need three or more sessions – though these tend to be in cases of deep, long-term trauma.

Additional Tips for Preparing for Hypnotherapy

In order for your session to have the best chances of success, there are a few things you can do. Here are some tips for preparing for hypnotherapy:

  • Wear comfortable clothing.
  • Be well-rested.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before your session.
  • Arrive on time to minimise stress.
  • Be open-minded and willing to try new things.
  • Make sure you’ve found a therapist that you feel you can work with and trust.

How to Find a Qualified Hypnotherapist

When choosing a hypnotherapist, it is important to find someone who is qualified and experienced. You can ask your doctor for a referral, or you can search for hypnotherapists in your area online.

Once you have found a few potential hypnotherapists, be sure to read their reviews and interview them before scheduling an appointment. During the interview, ask about their training and experience, as well as their approach to hypnotherapy.

I’m always happy to share my career history with clients. I have now treated more than 5,000 people and completed in excess of 2,000 hours of training. If you’d like to ask me specific questions about different treatment therapies, or what changes when using hypnotherapy for anxiety Vs hypnotherapy for stress (for example), I’m only a phone call away.

I am an expert in helping people to deal with anxiety, phobias, confidence issues and many other problems that hold them back. I offer in-person hypnotherapy in London and Winchester, or private online hypnotherapy sessions, too. Get in touch today and I’ll not only give you 10% off your first session, we can schedule a free, no-strings chat and I’ll also send you a free 1-hour relaxation download worth £17.99.

Get your FREE consultation & FREE download (value £50) today.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.
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