Cost of living 10% discount for all new enquires

128 reviews

Imagine conquering your fear of public speaking and being in control

Hello, I’m James Mallinson and I’ve used Clinical Hypnotherapy to help thousands conquer their fear of public speaking – both online and face to face in London and Winchester.
Hello, I’m James Mallinson and I’ve used Clinical Hypnotherapy to help thousands of people – both online and face to face in London and Winchester.

Trusted Reviews From Clients

 128 reviews

Daryl Charmant-Dunne

3 August 2023

James was amazing and helped me overcome my fear of public speaking in two sessions – as well as providing the tools needed to stay calm in the future. I have experienced a huge shift in confidence and my fear of public speaking has gone away.

Nigel Allsopp

14 January 2024

I struggled with public speaking for many years before meeting James. After only two sessions, I am a changed man. I am no longer consumed by anxiety at the thought of getting on stage; rather, I relish the prospect!

Claire Blyth

11 January 2024

I had a fear of public speaking that was close to a phobia. I found James online and gave it a go. To say it’s been transformational is an understatement! I now regularly speak in front of audiences and actually enjoy it!

Hypnotherapy for fear of public speaking in London, Online and in Hampshire

Hypnotherapy for public speaking is the most popular treatment that I offer. It is in demand because it is incredibly effective – it only takes two sessions, after which people feel that their confidence about speaking in front of a crowd has risen dramatically.

Speaking in public is something that many of us have to do on a regular basis, but for a significant percentage of people (15-30%) it evokes feelings of absolute dread. If this is you, it may be that this phobia is much more than a minor irritation – public speaking anxiety can feel very serious. It can start to affect your personal and professional life.

I look forward to helping you be calmer and more relaxed.


As accredited by:

Does this sound like you?

  • You get a dry mouth or get sweaty palms at the thought of standing up in front of a crowd.
  • You analyse every second of your speaking engagements after they are completed – kicking yourself for small pauses or for speaking too fast.
  • You panic or social anxiety kicks in when thinking about meetings or talking in groups of all kinds, because you see every moment that the spotlight is on you as a performance.
  • You’re so concerned about the potential for panic attacks arising before or during a public speaking engagement that you are resorting to using beta blockers and other medications to help you get through.
Helping clients with their public speaking anxiety

Whether I am working with people at my London hypnotherapy practice or my office in Winchester, or seeing someone for online hypnotherapy, I can use hypnosis to help you overcome your fear of public speaking.

Helping people feel more comfortable about speaking publicly is my most requested treatment option, and significant change can usually be seen after just two sessions, as you can see in this article in Women’s Health magazine.

Imagine what it would be like to stand up in front of work colleagues or a business audience and not just sound calm, but actually be calm. You could achieve so much more in your career if you were able to overcome your stage fright.

You’d also be better able to handle something like a best man’s speech once you feel better about public speaking.

If you have a fear or phobia of public speaking (sometimes known as public speaking anxiety) you might find it reassuring to learn that you are definitely not alone. Here in the UK, a fear of public speaking is beaten only by a phobia of spiders.

Success in just two sessions is possible

At Fix My Mind, it is often possible to enable you to overcome your fear of presenting and public speaking rapidly – and with long-lasting results, so that you feel more in control when delivering a speech.

We offer everyone a free 20-minute complimentary consultation, which is a great way for you to find out if hypnotherapy for fear of public speaking is for you. Call freephone 0800 122 3073, or fill in the quick contact form. When you do, you'll also get a FREE one-hour download called the ‘Accelerated Relaxation Programme’, valued at £19.99.

I look forward to helping you with your fear of public speaking soon.

Get your FREE consultation & FREE download (value £50) today.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.
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As featured in

How can hypnotherapy help with your fear of public speaking?

How can hypnotherapy help with your fear of public speaking?

The anxiety you feel before having to speak is regulated by a part of your brain called the amygdala. The amygdala reacts to events that it perceives to be threatening, and you can’t just turn this response off by thinking about it or trying to be logical about whatever is bothering you. That’s because logic affects a different part of the brain.

When anxiety about public speaking overwhelms you, the cause is usually a reaction called the amygdala hijack. In simple terms, the amygdala automatically and unconsciously takes control and primes you to run away.

Fight, flight or freeze

It’s all part of the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response that humans developed back when we lived in caves. The amygdala taps into past memories – recalling previous moments where you’ve found speaking to be nerve-wracking or it didn’t go well – and tries to give you what it feels is the best response.

What it can’t do is accept your calming words that you’ve “got this”.

During your hypnotherapy for public speaking appointment, I use powerful techniques that hone in on the amygdala; techniques that can be highly effective at changing your unconscious response to things. The net result? You feel more calm and in control. The root cause of your problem has been ‘ironed out’.

Those past events that currently trigger your fear are neutralised. Your phobia loses its emotional power to affect you.

Relaxation tools for the future

On top of this, during one of my advanced hypnotherapy sessions I will also teach you a number of tools and relaxation techniques that you can use in the future. These can help you to ‘dial down’ your fear at a later date.

And remember: sessions can take place at my London hypnotherapy clinic, online, or in person in Winchester.

I give my experience of hypnotherapy with James 10/10

Dame Kelly Holmes

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

The first thing we’ll do is have a complimentary exploratory phone call, lasting up to 20 minutes.

Before your actual session, you’ll fill in a detailed questionnaire that will help me understand your patterns of stress before speaking. This allows me to tailor your treatment plan.

Over the course of your 90-minute session, you will feel calmer and in control, and I’ll use a combination of the most effective modern and classic hypnotherapeutic tools and techniques.

How to book your hypnotherapy session

Hopefully, you now feel reassured about the hypnotherapy process – and feel ready to take the next step to become a better, calmer public speaker.

Each session will be 90-minutes long. This means we achieve so much more than you can in the traditional 50-minute ‘therapy hour’ that most therapists provide. For many people, online hypnotherapy sessions are the quickest and easiest way to address a specific problem and to get the treatment they need.

A special offer from my hypnotherapy practice to you

As part of my ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ promotion, I’m reducing my fees by 10% to only £320 + VAT per session.  I have very limited availability and if you’d like to know more about how I may be able to help you, then do get in touch now.

I will put 100% effort into working with you and the techniques that I use are very powerful. As with all therapy types, success varies from client to client and there can be no guarantees. In fact, I’d recommend running a mile from a hypnotherapist who says they offer a guarantee.

Hypnotherapy in London, Winchester – or in the comfort of your own home

If you’d like to start your journey towards overcoming your fear of public speaking, then just call freephone 0800 122 3073. Or please fill out the contact form to arrange an appointment. You’ll also get your free one-hour download to help you relax.

Here’s to you being more in control the next time you’re due to speak in public!

Why choose me as your clinical hypnotherapist

I became a hypnotherapist because of a life-changing hypnotherapy session of my own in 2006. This helped me to re-find myself and discover new hope. So, whatever you’re feeling now, I’ve been in a similar place.
I am an expert at dealing with public speaking anxiety and have completed more than 5,000 sessions of hypnotherapy.
I only work with people that I believe I can help, want to help and have a good chemistry with.
Most clients need just one or two sessions to see a significant improvement. This is quicker than virtually any other therapist.
I am one of the UK’s most reviewed therapists. More than 90% of clients give me a 5-star review.
Before I saw my very first client more than a decade ago, I had completed more than 1,000 hours of training. Unfortunately, anyone can call themselves a therapist without any training. Do not put your mental health in the hands of amateurs.

Trusted Client Words

 128 reviews
I had a fear of public speaking that was close to a phobia. I couldn’t imagine how hypnotism could help but a friend said I should try it. I found James online and gave it a go. To say it’s been transformational is an understatement! I now regularly speak in front of audiences and actually enjoy it! That adrenaline-based fear doesn’t kick in. James is a total genius!

Claire Blyth

January 11, 2024


Get your FREE consultation & FREE download (value £50) today.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to our most commonly-heard questions about public speaking therapy here.

Hypnotherapy works by 'rewiring' the mind so that it changes the way it reacts to whatever is bothering you. As an example, it can stop the brain from going into panicky 'fight or flight' mode when you're standing up to present to a group of people.

It provides a safe haven from anxiety, stress and trauma, and in many cases can eradicate the response you want to get rid of completely. In other cases, even being able to 'dial down' the response can make a significant difference to how well you are able to cope with life.

Experience: I have now completed more than 5,000 hypnotherapy sessions with clients from all over the UK and further afield.

Approach: I am personable and focused, and I only want to work with people I wholeheartedly believe I can help.

Training: Before I saw my very first client, I had completed more than 1,000 hours of training. As I have added new tools to my skillset, this has now increased to more than 2,000 hours.

Results: I am highly results focused and want you to feel like you can move on from whatever is holding you back in the fewest possible sessions. It is never my goal to keep clients coming back for more sessions unless these are 100% needed.

That all depends on your background and what we have used in previous sessions, if applicable. As well as clinical hypnotherapy, the four main tools at my disposal are Havening, Time Line Therapy, NLP and TFT.

I have enjoyed considerable success with all of these, both individually and in various combinations.

Given the current cost of living crisis, I am offering 10% off my standard fee. A potentially life-changing 1-1 session with me today costs just £320 +VAT per 90-minute session (most hypnotherapists' sessions are only 50 minutes long).

There is no extra fee for my pre-prep work, such as my analysis of your pre-session briefing questionnaire.

Additionally, every new client benefits from a free 20-minute consultation by phone.

Booking is easy – please just fill in the contact form, or call me on freephone 0800 122 3073.

Taking the next steps to a new you.

A limited-time offer from my hypnotherapy practice

As part of my ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ promotion, I’m reducing my fees by 10% to only £320 + VAT per session. I have very limited availability and if you’d like to know more about how I may be able to help you, please get in touch now.

100% effort – every time

I will put 100% effort into working with you and the techniques that I use are very powerful. As with all therapy types, success varies from client to client and there can be no guarantees. In fact, I’d recommend running a mile from a hypnotherapist who says they offer a guarantee.

Hypnotherapy in London, Winchester – or in your own home

If you’d like to start your journey towards a life after anxiety, then just call freephone 0800 122 3073. Or please fill out the form below to arrange an appointment. You’ll also get your free one-hour download to help you relax.

I look forward to helping you be calmer and more relaxed.


Get your FREE consultation & FREE download (value £50) today.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.

Arrange your free consultation to see how Hypnotherapy can help you. We’ll also give you a free ‘Accelerated Relaxation Audio Programme’ worth £17.99.
Screengrab of the Accelerated Relaxation Programme inside iPhone 14
FREE 20-minute consultation
FREE 2-hour audio worth £17.99
10% discount on all treatments
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